Italia e Estero

Israele, 'liberati due ostaggi israeliani a Rafah'

epa11131843 The words 'Bring them home now!' are painted on a container, which is part of an installation aimed at replicating the conditions under which Israeli hostages are held by Hamas in underground tunnels in the Gaza Strip, displayed on the place des Nations in front of the European headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, 06 February 2024. The event was organized by a Geneva citizens' group with the association of relatives of hostages in Israel. According to the Israeli military, 136 Israelis, who were abducted and taken to the Gaza Strip during the 07 October 2023 attacks by Hamas, remain in captivity.  EPA/SALVATORE DI NOLFI
epa11131843 The words 'Bring them home now!' are painted on a container, which is part of an installation aimed at replicating the conditions under which Israeli hostages are held by Hamas in underground tunnels in the Gaza Strip, displayed on the place des Nations in front of the European headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, 06 February 2024. The event was organized by a Geneva citizens' group with the association of relatives of hostages in Israel. According to the Israeli military, 136 Israelis, who were abducted and taken to the Gaza Strip during the 07 October 2023 attacks by Hamas, remain in captivity. EPA/SALVATORE DI NOLFI

ROMA, 12 FEB - L'esercito israeliano ha liberato nella notte a Rafah, nel sud della Striscia, due ostaggi israeliani che erano stati rapiti da Hamas il 7 ottobre scorso: lo hanno annunciato le Forze di difesa israeliane (Idf) su Telegram. "Durante un'operazione congiunta dell'Idf (le Forze di difesa israeliane, ndr), dell'Isa (il servizio di sicurezza israeliano Shin Bet, ndr) e della polizia israeliana a Rafah, durante la notte, sono stati salvati due ostaggi israeliani, Fernando Simon Marman (60) e Louis Har (70), rapiti dall'organizzazione terroristica Hamas il 7 ottobre dal Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak", si legge in un comunicato. "Entrambi sono in buone condizioni mediche e sono stati trasferiti per accertamenti medici all'ospedale Sheba Tel Hashomer - prosegue la nota -. Le forze di sicurezza continueranno ad operare con tutti i mezzi per riportare a casa gli ostaggi".

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
