Italia e Estero

Israele, 8 soldati morti in esplosione blindato a Rafah

epa11328514 Israeli soldiers with military vehicles gather at an undisclosed position near the border fence with the Gaza Strip, in southern Israel, 09 May 2024. US Defense Secretary Austin at a Senate Appropriations Committee meeting on 08 May confirmed the Biden administration's decision to pause a shipment of 'high payload munitions' to Israel amid concerns over an Israeli major offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. The Israeli military on 06 May called on residents of eastern Rafah to 'temporarily' evacuate to an expanded humanitarian area. On 07 May, Israel said that its troops began an operation targeting Hamas militants and infrastructure within specific areas of eastern Rafah, taking operational control of the Gazan side of the Rafah crossing. More than 34,800 Palestinians and over 1,455 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October 2023, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank which followed it. EPA/ABIR SULTAN
epa11328514 Israeli soldiers with military vehicles gather at an undisclosed position near the border fence with the Gaza Strip, in southern Israel, 09 May 2024. US Defense Secretary Austin at a Senate Appropriations Committee meeting on 08 May confirmed the Biden administration's decision to pause a shipment of 'high payload munitions' to Israel amid concerns over an Israeli major offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. The Israeli military on 06 May called on residents of eastern Rafah to 'temporarily' evacuate to an expanded humanitarian area. On 07 May, Israel said that its troops began an operation targeting Hamas militants and infrastructure within specific areas of eastern Rafah, taking operational control of the Gazan side of the Rafah crossing. More than 34,800 Palestinians and over 1,455 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October 2023, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank which followed it. EPA/ABIR SULTAN

ROMA, 15 GIU - Otto soldati sono rimasti uccisi nell'esplosione di un veicolo corazzato vicino alla città di Rafah, nel sud di Gaza: lo hanno riferito sabato le forze di difesa israeliane, come riporta Haaretz. Il capitano Wassem Mahmoud, 23 anni, del villaggio di Beit Jann, nel nord di Israele, è uno dei soldati uccisi.

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