Italia e Estero

Israele, '2 i razzi lanciati da Rafah contro Kerem Shalom'

epa11300533 Humanitarian trucks carrying provisions waiting in line on the Egyptian side of the border near Kerem Shalom crossing at the southern Israeli border with the Gaza Strip, on 25 April 2024. Since 07 October 2023, up to 1.9 million people, or more than 85 percent of the population, have been displaced throughout the Gaza Strip, some more than once, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which added that most civilians in Gaza are in 'desperate need of humanitarian assistance and protection'. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11300533 Humanitarian trucks carrying provisions waiting in line on the Egyptian side of the border near Kerem Shalom crossing at the southern Israeli border with the Gaza Strip, on 25 April 2024. Since 07 October 2023, up to 1.9 million people, or more than 85 percent of the population, have been displaced throughout the Gaza Strip, some more than once, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which added that most civilians in Gaza are in 'desperate need of humanitarian assistance and protection'. EPA/ATEF SAFADI

TEL AVIV, 12 MAG - Sono stati 2 i razzi lanciati dall'area di Rafah, a sud di Gaza, verso la zona di Kerem Shalom in Israele, che include il valico omonimo da dove entrano gli aiuti ai civili della Striscia. Lo ha fatto sapere il portavoce militare israeliano aggiungendo che i due razzi sono stati intercettati dal sistema di difesa aereo. Nell'area poco prima erano risuonate le sirene di allarme.

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