Italia e Estero

Iraq, droni contro Israele, 'risposta a raid sionista'

epaselect epa11057524 Members of Iraqi Shiite Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) carry their flag during the funeral of their leader Abu Taqwa Al-sia'di, who was killed in a US drone attack in Baghdad, Iraq, 04 January 2024. A US drone strike on January 4, targeted an Iranian-backed Popular Mobilization Forces base in eastern Baghdad, killing two commanders and wounding six others from the Popular Mobilization Forces' 12th Brigade, PMF announced to the media. EPA/AHMED JALIL
epaselect epa11057524 Members of Iraqi Shiite Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) carry their flag during the funeral of their leader Abu Taqwa Al-sia'di, who was killed in a US drone attack in Baghdad, Iraq, 04 January 2024. A US drone strike on January 4, targeted an Iranian-backed Popular Mobilization Forces base in eastern Baghdad, killing two commanders and wounding six others from the Popular Mobilization Forces' 12th Brigade, PMF announced to the media. EPA/AHMED JALIL

ROMA, 20 APR - In un video diffuso sui social - e rilanciato da numerosi media - la Resistenza Islamica in Iraq ha annunciato di aver lanciato alcuni droni contro "un obiettivo vitale" a Eliat, nel sud di Israele, al confine tra Egitto e Giordania. "L'attacco - afferma il gruppo che riunisce una serie di forze irachene filo-iraniane - è la risposta alla violazione della sovranità irachena da parte del nemico sionista e al suo attacco contro le Forze di Mobilitazione Popolare irachene (Pmf)".

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
