Italia e Estero

Iran, 'risponderemo a minacce sionista e superpotenze'

epa02607500 Commander of Iran's Navy Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari poses for photographers after a press conference held at the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria, 28 February 2011. Sayyari is on a current visit to Syria, during which he had supervised the docking of two Iranian warships at the Latakia port on the Mediterranean Sea on 24 February. Sayyari said the ships, which have prompted Israeli charges that Tehran is seeking to dominate the Middle East, have a peace and friendship message and aims to further boost the strong relations between the two countries especially in the maritime field. EPA/YOUSSEF BADAWI
epa02607500 Commander of Iran's Navy Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari poses for photographers after a press conference held at the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria, 28 February 2011. Sayyari is on a current visit to Syria, during which he had supervised the docking of two Iranian warships at the Latakia port on the Mediterranean Sea on 24 February. Sayyari said the ships, which have prompted Israeli charges that Tehran is seeking to dominate the Middle East, have a peace and friendship message and aims to further boost the strong relations between the two countries especially in the maritime field. EPA/YOUSSEF BADAWI

PECHINO, 13 SET - L'Iran "continuerà a rispondere alle minacce sionista e delle superpotenze". Il capo di stato maggiore dell'esercito di Teheran, Habibollah Sayyari, parlando a Pechino allo Xiangshan Forum, ha affermato che "l'anarchia e un vuoto di sicurezza in Medio Oriente spingono l'Iran a cercare di rafforzare le sue capacità di sicurezza". Il sistema multipolare è "la base della futura cooperazione tra i Paesi del mondo", ha aggiunto Sayyari, rimarcando l'importanza della cooperazione tra i Paesi confinanti e che "la sicurezza regionale non richiede alcuna presenza di potenze extraregionali".

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