Italia e Estero

Incendio in un centro commerciale in Cina, almeno 16 vittime

epa08089185 Pro-democracy protesters react after riot police shot tear gas during a rally in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, China, 24 December 2019. Police fired multiple rounds of tear gas in the tourist district of Tsim Sha Tsui on Christmas eve, after clashes broke out inside a shopping mall as a large number of protesters join a 'Christmas shopping' rally. Hong Kong has entered its seventh month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill, and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/JEROME FAVRE
epa08089185 Pro-democracy protesters react after riot police shot tear gas during a rally in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, China, 24 December 2019. Police fired multiple rounds of tear gas in the tourist district of Tsim Sha Tsui on Christmas eve, after clashes broke out inside a shopping mall as a large number of protesters join a 'Christmas shopping' rally. Hong Kong has entered its seventh month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill, and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/JEROME FAVRE

PECHINO, 18 LUG - Un incendio in un centro commerciale nel sud-ovest della Cina ha ucciso almeno 16 persone, secondo l'agenzia Xinhua, che cita funzionari locali di emergenza. L'incendio è scoppiato nel pomeriggio di ieri in un centro commerciale situato ai piedi di un edificio di 14 piani a Zigong, città della provincia del Sichuan, situata a 1.600 chilometri in linea d'aria dalla capitale Pechino. Un numero imprecisato di persone è rimasto intrappolato all'interno dell'edificio.

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