Italia e Estero

In Polonia Tusk avanti ai sovranisti del Pis

epa11389561 Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk speaks during the 'June 4 Rally' at Castle Square in Warsaw, Poland, 04 June 2024. The rally takes place on the anniversary of the first partially free elections of 04 June 4 1989, and the 04 June 2023 march of the then opposition. The first round of elections to the Sejm and Senate were held, under the terms of the Round Table, which ended with the success of Solidarity. The consequence was the collapse of communism and political transformation in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. EPA/PAWEL SUPERNAK POLAND OUT
epa11389561 Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk speaks during the 'June 4 Rally' at Castle Square in Warsaw, Poland, 04 June 2024. The rally takes place on the anniversary of the first partially free elections of 04 June 4 1989, and the 04 June 2023 march of the then opposition. The first round of elections to the Sejm and Senate were held, under the terms of the Round Table, which ended with the success of Solidarity. The consequence was the collapse of communism and political transformation in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. EPA/PAWEL SUPERNAK POLAND OUT

BRUXELLES, 09 GIU - In Polonia la Coalizione civica (Ko) di Tusk è avanti al Diritto e Giustizia (PiS) nei primi exit poll delle elezioni europee: Popolari al 38%, Conservatori al 33,9%. Secondo i primi exit pool trasmessi dal canale Tvn24 nonchè dal canale statale Tvp Info, il partito filoeuropeo di Donald Tusk Coalizione civica (Ko) ha vinto le elezioni europee in Polonia con 38,2% delle preferenze. Il secondo partito secondo i stessi exit pool elaborato dalla società Ipsos è quello dei sovranisti di Diritto e giustizia (Pis) del leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski che ha avuto 33,9%% degli voti. "Oggi abbiamo dimostrato che siamo una luce di speranza per l'Europa, sapremo lottare come nessun altro per gli interessi della Polonia in Europa". Lo ha detto il primo ministro polacco Donald Tusk, commentando la vittoria della Coalizione civica alle Europee.

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