Italia e Estero

In Iran rapper condannato a morte, partecipò a proteste

epa10463068 A woman holds a portrait of Iranian hip hop artist Toomaj Salehi, one of the main voices of the Iranian revolution, during a demonstration on the 44th anniversary of the Iranian revolution against Shahh Reza Pahlavi, in Paris, France, 12 February 2023. The protesters rejected the Shah's dictatorshipin the then Imperial State of Iran from 16 September 1941 until he was overthrown in the Iranian Revolution on 11 February 1979, and the following mullahs' theocracy and called for a democratic and secular government in Iran. EPA/TERESA SUAREZ
epa10463068 A woman holds a portrait of Iranian hip hop artist Toomaj Salehi, one of the main voices of the Iranian revolution, during a demonstration on the 44th anniversary of the Iranian revolution against Shahh Reza Pahlavi, in Paris, France, 12 February 2023. The protesters rejected the Shah's dictatorshipin the then Imperial State of Iran from 16 September 1941 until he was overthrown in the Iranian Revolution on 11 February 1979, and the following mullahs' theocracy and called for a democratic and secular government in Iran. EPA/TERESA SUAREZ

ISTANBUL, 24 APR - Il rapper iraniano Toomaj Salehi è stato condannato a morte per "corruzione sulla terra" da un tribunale rivoluzionario. Lo ha detto l'avvocato dell'artista, Amir Raesian, al quotidiano Shargh. Il musicista 33enne era stato arrestato in passato per accuse relative al contenuto delle sue canzoni mentre nel 2022 era stato incarcerato per avere partecipato alle proteste antigovernative scoppiate in varie città del Paese dopo la morte di Mahsa Amini, la 22enne che ha perso la vita dopo essere stata messa in custodia perché non portava correttamente il velo, obbligatorio in pubblico in Iran.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
