Italia e Estero

In Etiopia barcone si rovescia nel fiume, almeno 19 morti

epa10629408 South Sudanese returnees who fled the armed conflict in Sudan, wait for other passengers to embark on the boat for their next journey to the south, in the Upper Nile State town of Renk, South Sudan, 14 May 2023 (issued 15 May 2023). According to Mohajer Mhadi Khalifa, head of the boats union in charge of regulating the transport on the Nile in Renk, five boats are planned to transport the returnees to their areas of origin on the Nile towards the Southern Town of Malakal and other locations. On 14 May 2023 a group of 348 people embarked for the trip, following 577 others who made the same trip the previous day after days of waiting in the fluvial port of Renk. The transport was coordinated and organized by the IOM, Caritas and the RCC (the South Sudanese Relief and Rehabilitation Commission). According to the United Nations, some 200,000 people have fled the conflict in Sudan between 15 April and 12 May 2023. Most of them left towards neighboring countries such as Egypt, Tchad, South Sudan or Ethiopia, and about two million people were internally displaced. Leaving behind them the armed conflict between the Sudanese military and the RSF (Rapid Support Forces) militia, most of the refugees in South Sudan are South Sudanese returnees, part of the some 800,000 who had previously fled the war in South Sudan and who are now returning to a country which is barely out of conflict itself with tensions still remaining in many areas. EPA/AMEL PAIN ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
epa10629408 South Sudanese returnees who fled the armed conflict in Sudan, wait for other passengers to embark on the boat for their next journey to the south, in the Upper Nile State town of Renk, South Sudan, 14 May 2023 (issued 15 May 2023). According to Mohajer Mhadi Khalifa, head of the boats union in charge of regulating the transport on the Nile in Renk, five boats are planned to transport the returnees to their areas of origin on the Nile towards the Southern Town of Malakal and other locations. On 14 May 2023 a group of 348 people embarked for the trip, following 577 others who made the same trip the previous day after days of waiting in the fluvial port of Renk. The transport was coordinated and organized by the IOM, Caritas and the RCC (the South Sudanese Relief and Rehabilitation Commission). According to the United Nations, some 200,000 people have fled the conflict in Sudan between 15 April and 12 May 2023. Most of them left towards neighboring countries such as Egypt, Tchad, South Sudan or Ethiopia, and about two million people were internally displaced. Leaving behind them the armed conflict between the Sudanese military and the RSF (Rapid Support Forces) militia, most of the refugees in South Sudan are South Sudanese returnees, part of the some 800,000 who had previously fled the war in South Sudan and who are now returning to a country which is barely out of conflict itself with tensions still remaining in many areas. EPA/AMEL PAIN ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

ADDIS ABEBA, 28 LUG - Almeno 19 persone sono morte in Etiopia, quando nella regione settentrionale di Amhara un barcone si è rovesciato in un fiume. "Altre sette persone, fra cui un bambino, sono state salvate in circostanze difficili", fa sapere l'emittente Amhara Media Corporation (Amc), citando amministratori locali. L'incidente è avvenuto sul fiume Tekeze, che segna il confine fra Etiopia ed Eritrea prima di entrare nel territorio del Sudan, nel punto che segna il confine fra i tre Paesi. Si stima che le persone a bordo della barca, che stava attraversando il corso d'acqua, fossero 26. Escludendo le sette che sono state salvate ci sono due morti accertati, i cui corpi sono stati ricoverati, e altri 17 ancora dispersi.

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