Italia e Estero

Ilaria Salis è arrivata in Italia

Ilaria Salis, the 39-year-old Milanese teacher who has been in prison for 13 months after the court rejected the request to go under house arrest in Hungary at the courtroom in Budapest, Hungary, 28 March 2024. Italian teacher Ilaria Salis was again handcuffed at her wrists, with shackles on her ankles, and led in on a chain like a leash by a police officer as she entered a Budapest courtroom on Thursday, the same as happened in a hearing on January 29. ANSA/Enrico Martinelli +++BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE+++
Ilaria Salis, the 39-year-old Milanese teacher who has been in prison for 13 months after the court rejected the request to go under house arrest in Hungary at the courtroom in Budapest, Hungary, 28 March 2024. Italian teacher Ilaria Salis was again handcuffed at her wrists, with shackles on her ankles, and led in on a chain like a leash by a police officer as she entered a Budapest courtroom on Thursday, the same as happened in a hearing on January 29. ANSA/Enrico Martinelli +++BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE+++

MONZA, 15 GIU - Ilaria Salis è appena arrivata nella casa dei suoi genitori a Monza, dopo aver fatto in auto il viaggio da Budapest. L'eurodeputata di Avs è quindi tornata in Italia dopo oltre 16 mesi passati in Ungheria dopo essere stata arrestata con l'accusa di aver partecipato a due aggressioni nei confronti di militanti di estrema destra.

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