Italia e Estero

'Il Pentagono sta già preparando i nuovi aiuti a Kiev'

epa11025626 US President Joe Biden (R) and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (L) enter the room to hold a joint news conference in the Indian Treaty Room of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, on the White House complex in Washington, DC, USA, 12 December 2023. Ukrainian President Zelensky is in Washington to meet with members of Congress at the US Capitol and US President Joe Biden at the White House to make a last-ditch effort to convince the US Congress for further military aid before the holiday recess. Republicans want concessions from Democrats on border security in order to support aid to Ukraine. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS
epa11025626 US President Joe Biden (R) and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (L) enter the room to hold a joint news conference in the Indian Treaty Room of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, on the White House complex in Washington, DC, USA, 12 December 2023. Ukrainian President Zelensky is in Washington to meet with members of Congress at the US Capitol and US President Joe Biden at the White House to make a last-ditch effort to convince the US Congress for further military aid before the holiday recess. Republicans want concessions from Democrats on border security in order to support aid to Ukraine. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS

WASHINGTON, 19 APR - Il Pentagono si sta preparando ad approvare rapidamente un pacchetto di aiuti militari per l'Ucraina che include artiglieria e difese aeree (urgentemente necessarie) mentre la Camera si prepara ad approvare domani ulteriori aiuti a Kiev. Lo scrive Politico citando due dirigenti americani. Molte armi statunitensi si trovano già negli arsenali in Europa e potrebbero essere consegnate immediatamente all'Ucraina, ha detto una delle fonti. Parte del materiale potrebbe raggiungere Kiev nel giro di pochi giorni, il resto potrebbe richiedere settimane.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
