Italia e Estero

Il Meteo lancia l'allarme rosso in Almeria

epa11696979 Spanish singer Rozalen helps in the cleaning works of her birth town Letur after the flash flood, in Letur, province of Albacete, Spain, 02 November 2024. According to the Integrated Operational Coordination Center (CECOPI), more than 200 people have died in Valencia and neighboring provinces after floods caused by a DANA (high-altitude isolated depression) weather phenomenon hit the east of the country. According to Spain's national weather agency (AEMET), on 29 October 2024 Valencia received a year's worth of rain, causing flash floods that destroyed homes and swept away vehicles. EPA/Manu
epa11696979 Spanish singer Rozalen helps in the cleaning works of her birth town Letur after the flash flood, in Letur, province of Albacete, Spain, 02 November 2024. According to the Integrated Operational Coordination Center (CECOPI), more than 200 people have died in Valencia and neighboring provinces after floods caused by a DANA (high-altitude isolated depression) weather phenomenon hit the east of the country. According to Spain's national weather agency (AEMET), on 29 October 2024 Valencia received a year's worth of rain, causing flash floods that destroyed homes and swept away vehicles. EPA/Manu

BRUXELLES, 03 NOV - L'autorità del meteo statale spagnola, Aemet, ha appena lanciato l'avviso rosso per le piogge torrenziali nella provincia di Almería. "Possibili straripamenti di canali e allagamenti. Il pericolo è estremo! Non viaggiare se non strettamente necessario!", si legge nel messaggio postato sui social.

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