Italia e Estero

Idf, 'intercettato un missile lanciato dallo Yemen'

epa11828137 Armed tribesmen ride vehicles with machine guns during an anti-USA and anti-Israel gathering mobilizing more Houthi fighters, on the outskirts of Sana'a, Yemen, 16 January 2025. Yemen's Houthis have been recruiting more fighters as part of a mobilization campaign for a possible confrontation with the United States and Israel amid an escalation of Houthi missile-drone attacks on Israel and shipping lanes in the seas around Yemen in retaliation for Israel's military operation in Gaza. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
epa11828137 Armed tribesmen ride vehicles with machine guns during an anti-USA and anti-Israel gathering mobilizing more Houthi fighters, on the outskirts of Sana'a, Yemen, 16 January 2025. Yemen's Houthis have been recruiting more fighters as part of a mobilization campaign for a possible confrontation with the United States and Israel amid an escalation of Houthi missile-drone attacks on Israel and shipping lanes in the seas around Yemen in retaliation for Israel's military operation in Gaza. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB

ROMA, 18 GEN - L'Aeronautica militare israeliana ha intercettato questa mattina un missile lanciato dallo Yemen dopo che le sirene d'allarme erano risuonate in diverse aree del Paese, incluso nel centro di Tel Aviv: lo ha reso noto su Telegram l'esercito (Idf).

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