Idf intercetta missile lanciato dallo Yemen verso Israele

epa11470403 Mock Houthis-made drones and a missile are on display at a square in Sana'a, Yemen, 10 July 2024. A vessel has come under attack in the narrow Bab el-Mandeb Strait, a day after Yemen's Houthis claimed to have launched several ballistic and winged missiles and drones at three ships, including the US-flagged container ship, Maersk Sentosa, in the Arabian Sea and the Israeli ship, MSC Patnaree, in the Gulf of Aden, according to a statement by Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea. The Houthis have intensified their attacks against merchant and military vessels navigating in the seas around Yemen in retaliation for Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
ROMA, 21 LUG - Il sistema di difesa aerea dell'esercito israeliano ha intercettato un missile terra-terra diretto verso il territorio israeliano lanciato dallo Yemen. Lo rende noto l'Idf aggiungendo che il missile non ha raggiunto Israele. Le sirene sono risuonate nel Paese per la possibilità di caduta di schegge.
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