Idf, Hezbollah ha lanciato 100 razzi su Haifa in mezzora

epa11563844 A view of the Bahá'à Gardens in the northern city of Haifa, Israel , 25 August 2024. The Israeli military stated that Israeli Air Force fighter jets struck targets belonging to the Hezbollah organization that posed an imminent threat to the citizens of the State of Israel. Hezbollah stated that it had fired more than 300 missiles and drones at Israel. The Israeli Home Front Command changed the safety instructions to the public, the municipality of Haifa, announced the public is prohibited from staying at the beach for safety reasons. EPA/ABIR SULTAN
TEL AVIV, 08 OTT - L'Idf ha reso noto che oltre 100 razzi sono stati lanciati da Hezbollah sulla città di Haifa e nell'area nell'arco di mezzora. Una donna è rimasta ferita dalle schegge e diverse abitazioni sono state danneggiate.
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