Italia e Estero

Idf, da ieri sera 150 razzi e droni lanciati verso Israele

epa11618480 Israeli emergency teams work at the scene of a missile strike on a residential neighbourhood in Kiryat Bialik, northern Israel, 22 September 2024. The Israeli military said that about 85 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon into several areas in northern Israel on 22 September. Some of the shells were intercepted, and fallen projectiles were located in Kiryat Bialik, Tsur Shalom and Moreshet, igniting fires in the area, the statement added. Following the attack on northern Israel the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it conducted strikes against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon. EPA/ABIR SULTAN
epa11618480 Israeli emergency teams work at the scene of a missile strike on a residential neighbourhood in Kiryat Bialik, northern Israel, 22 September 2024. The Israeli military said that about 85 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon into several areas in northern Israel on 22 September. Some of the shells were intercepted, and fallen projectiles were located in Kiryat Bialik, Tsur Shalom and Moreshet, igniting fires in the area, the statement added. Following the attack on northern Israel the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it conducted strikes against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon. EPA/ABIR SULTAN

ROMA, 22 SET - L'Idf afferma che da ieri sera sono stati lanciati circa 150 razzi, missili da crociera e droni verso Israele. Gli attacchi con i razzi provenivano dal Libano ed erano diretti al nord di Israele, mentre i droni e i missili da crociera sono stati lanciati dall'Iraq. L'esercito afferma che la difesa aerea israeliana ha avuto un alto tasso di intercettazione con solo una manciata di casi di impatti diretti e schegge cadute che hanno causato feriti e danni.

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