Italia e Estero

Herzog, 'per avere la pace il mondo deve sostenere Israele'

epa11646663 Israeli President Isaac Herzog embraces a family member of victims killed at the Supernova music festival while attending a gathering in memory of their relatives, at the Supernova memorial site for the victims of the 07 October 2023 Supernova music festival attack, near Kibbutz Re'im, close to the border with the Gaza Strip, in southern Israel, 07 October 2024. According to Israeli police, more than 360 Israelis were killed at the SuperNova music festival on 07 October 2023 by Hamas militants that stormed the area during a surprise attack launched from the Gaza Strip. October 07, 2024 marks one year since the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel, killing 1,400, and one year since Israel began its war on Gaza, killing more than 41,000 and destroying the Palestinian enclave. EPA/ABIR SULTAN
epa11646663 Israeli President Isaac Herzog embraces a family member of victims killed at the Supernova music festival while attending a gathering in memory of their relatives, at the Supernova memorial site for the victims of the 07 October 2023 Supernova music festival attack, near Kibbutz Re'im, close to the border with the Gaza Strip, in southern Israel, 07 October 2024. According to Israeli police, more than 360 Israelis were killed at the SuperNova music festival on 07 October 2023 by Hamas militants that stormed the area during a surprise attack launched from the Gaza Strip. October 07, 2024 marks one year since the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel, killing 1,400, and one year since Israel began its war on Gaza, killing more than 41,000 and destroying the Palestinian enclave. EPA/ABIR SULTAN

GERUSALEMME, 07 OTT - Il presidente israeliano Isaac Herzog ha affermato che il mondo "deve sostenere Israele" per portare la pace, mentre il Paese celebra il primo anniversario dell'attacco di Hamas del 7 ottobre. "Il mondo deve realizzare e comprendere che per cambiare il corso della storia e portare la pace, un futuro migliore alla regione, deve sostenere Israele nella sua battaglia contro i suoi nemici", ha affermato il presidente che in occasione delle commemorazioni del 7 ottobre ha raggiunto Reim, luogo del massacro del Nova Festival.

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