Italia e Estero

Hamas, 'Israele pagherà per la sua follia a Beirut'

epa11616191 People gather in front of a damaged building after an Israeli military strike, in Beirut, Lebanon, 20 September 2024. At least eight people were killed and dozens injured in the attack, which targeted the southern suburb of Beirut, according to the Lebanese Ministry of Health. The Israeli military stated on 20 September that it conducted a 'targeted strike' in Beirut, claiming that the 'Hezbollah Commanders we eliminated today' had been planning attacks on northern areas of Israel. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epa11616191 People gather in front of a damaged building after an Israeli military strike, in Beirut, Lebanon, 20 September 2024. At least eight people were killed and dozens injured in the attack, which targeted the southern suburb of Beirut, according to the Lebanese Ministry of Health. The Israeli military stated on 20 September that it conducted a 'targeted strike' in Beirut, claiming that the 'Hezbollah Commanders we eliminated today' had been planning attacks on northern areas of Israel. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH

ROMA, 21 SET - Hamas ha condannato l'uccisione del comandante di Hezbollah, Ibrahim Aqil, nell'attacco aereo israeliano di ieri sulla capitale libanese Beirut, descrivendolo come un "crimine" e una "follia" per la quale Israele pagherà un prezzo. Lo riporta Al Jazeera.

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