Hamas condanna il raid su Beirut, 'pericolosa escalation'

epa11488089 Houthi supporters chant slogans while brandishing weapons during a protest against the US and Israel, in Sana'a, Yemen, 19 July 2024. Thousands of people participated in the protest in solidarity with the Palestinian people and condemning the US support for Israel's military operation in the Gaza Strip, amid the Houthis’ escalating maritime attacks in the seas around Yemen. The protest came after Yemen's Houthis claimed a drone attack against Israel's Tel Aviv in solidarity with the Palestinians, in the context of the armed conflict that began in October 2023 between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
ROMA, 30 LUG - Hamas ha affermato in una dichiarazione di condannare fermamente l'attacco a Beirut, sostenendo di considerarlo una "pericolosa escalation". Lo riporta Al Jazeera secondo cui, allo stesso modo, gli Houthi yemeniti hanno denunciato il raid israeliano, definendolo una "palese violazione" della sovranità del Libano.
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