Italia e Estero

Gnv Majestic ancora in navigazione, arrivo a Genova per le 12

epa11467887 A view of the GNV Bridge ship upon its arrival to the port of Valencia carrying part of the passengers who had to be evacuated from 'The Tenancia' ferry boat after a fire broke out in the ship's engine room while traveling from the Spanish port city of Valencia to the resort island of Mallorca on 07 July, in Valencia, eastern Spain, 08 July 2024 (issued on 09 July). The incident left about 350 passengers stuck at sea for around 24 hours while waiting to be picked up by a replacement vessel. No injured people were reported. The rest of passengers are expected to arrive to Valencia today. EPA/Miguel Ãngel Polo
epa11467887 A view of the GNV Bridge ship upon its arrival to the port of Valencia carrying part of the passengers who had to be evacuated from 'The Tenancia' ferry boat after a fire broke out in the ship's engine room while traveling from the Spanish port city of Valencia to the resort island of Mallorca on 07 July, in Valencia, eastern Spain, 08 July 2024 (issued on 09 July). The incident left about 350 passengers stuck at sea for around 24 hours while waiting to be picked up by a replacement vessel. No injured people were reported. The rest of passengers are expected to arrive to Valencia today. EPA/Miguel Ãngel Polo

GENOVA, 20 AGO - E' ancora in navigazione la motonave Gnv Majestic, partita da Barcellona con destinazione Genova. La nave avrebbe dovuto arrivare ieri mattina alle 7 ma a causa di un'avaria a un motore sta navigando a 11 nodi di velocità (20 km/h) contro i 20 di crociera, in condizioni di vento e mare favorevoli. Con una nota emessa ieri sera, Gnv ha confermato "l'avaria che ne sta rallentando la navigazione. La riparazione, già programmata dalla Compagnia con il coinvolgimento delle ditte specializzate, avverrà immediatamente all'arrivo a Genova" previsto per le ore 12 di oggi. La nave attualmente sta costeggiando e si trova al largo di Albenga (Savona).

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