Italia e Estero

Gli Usa confermano la presenza di truppe nordcoreane in Russia

epa11673249 A handout picture made available by the Presidential Press Service of Ukraine on 21 October 2024 shows Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (3-R) meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (unseen) in Kyiv, Ukraine, 21 October 2024. The United States has designated a new defense aid package for Ukraine, totaling 400 million dollars. This announcement was made by US Defense Secretary Austin during a meeting with President Zelensky. Austin's visit to Kyiv was unannounced, and he met with high-ranking Ukrainian officials in the context of the ongoing Russian invasion. EPA/PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SERVICE HANDOUT HANDOUT 66185HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa11673249 A handout picture made available by the Presidential Press Service of Ukraine on 21 October 2024 shows Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (3-R) meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (unseen) in Kyiv, Ukraine, 21 October 2024. The United States has designated a new defense aid package for Ukraine, totaling 400 million dollars. This announcement was made by US Defense Secretary Austin during a meeting with President Zelensky. Austin's visit to Kyiv was unannounced, and he met with high-ranking Ukrainian officials in the context of the ongoing Russian invasion. EPA/PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SERVICE HANDOUT HANDOUT 66185HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

ROMA, 23 OTT - Gli Usa confermano per la prima volta la presenze di truppe nordcoreane in Russia. Il segretario alla Difesa Lloyd Austin ha affermato che "ci sono prove della presenza di truppe della Corea del Nord in Russia. Cosa stanno facendo esattamente lì? Queste sono cose che dobbiamo ancora scoprire". Proprio oggi Seul ha denunciato che 3.000 militari di Pyongyang sono già in Russia, con la previsione di 10.000 entro dicembre, ma finora né Washington né la Nato si erano sbilanciati. La vicenda solleva preoccupazioni circa l'escalation delle tensioni e il rischio di un conflitto più ampio in Ucraina che coinvolga attivamente un Paese terzo.

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