Funzionari Israele confermano, 'rilascio ostaggi iniziato'

epa10996189 A convoy of Red crescent and UN vehicles drives past Palestinians as they cross from the northern Gaza Strip to the southern Gaza Strip as Israeli tanks (not pictured) move along Salah Al Din road, in the central Gaza Strip, 26 November 2023. After Israel and Hamas agreed to a four-day ceasefire, mediated by Qatar, the US, and Egypt, that came into effect at 05:00 AM GMT on 24 November, some Palestinians who were still in central Gaza moved towards the south while others already displaced in the south went back to the northern part to check on relatives they had left behind and on their homes to collect salvageable belongings. As part of the ceasefire, the agreement included that 50 Israeli hostages, women and children, are to be released by Hamas. 150 Palestinian women and children that were detained in Israeli prisons are to be released in exchange. EPA/MOHAMMED SABER
TEL AVIV, 19 GEN - Funzionari israeliani hanno confermato che "il processo di rilascio degli ostaggi è iniziato". L'Idf ha autorizzato le madri delle rapite ad incontrarle nel complesso di accoglienza di Reem prima che siano portate in ospedale.
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