Italia e Estero

Fsb, 'servizi Kiev coinvolti in attacco al Crocus a Mosca'

epa11248046 Russian people mourn near the Crocus City Hall concert venue, six days after a terrorist attack in Krasnogorsk, outside Moscow, Russia, 28 March 2024. At least 143 people were killed and more than 100 hospitalized after a group of gunmen attacked the concert hall in the Moscow region on 22 March evening, Russian officials said. Eleven suspects, including all four gunmen directly involved in the terrorist attack, have been detained, according to Russian authorities. EPA/YURI KOCHETKOV
epa11248046 Russian people mourn near the Crocus City Hall concert venue, six days after a terrorist attack in Krasnogorsk, outside Moscow, Russia, 28 March 2024. At least 143 people were killed and more than 100 hospitalized after a group of gunmen attacked the concert hall in the Moscow region on 22 March evening, Russian officials said. Eleven suspects, including all four gunmen directly involved in the terrorist attack, have been detained, according to Russian authorities. EPA/YURI KOCHETKOV

MOSCA, 11 GIU - I servizi di sicurezza interni russi (Fsb) hanno "stabilito" che l'intelligence militare ucraina è coinvolta nell'attacco terroristico al Crocus City Hall del marzo scorso. Lo ha detto il direttore del servizio, Alexander Bortnikov, citato dall'agenzia Interfax.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
