Italia e Estero

Fonti, sarà la commissione Affari Regionali a audire Fitto

epa10846905 Italian Minister for European Affairs and Territorial Cohesion Raffaele Fitto speaks during a press conference at the end of a meeting of the Council of Ministers, in Rome, Italy, 07 September 2023. The Italian government on 07 September approved a decree cracking down on juvenile crime. The Caivano Decree, named after the Naples-area town where two cousins were allegedly raped by a youth gang last month, aims to crack down on juvenile crimes through tougher penalties for the parents of minors as well as a 30-million-euro package to clean up the town near Naples. EPA/FABIO FRUSTACI
epa10846905 Italian Minister for European Affairs and Territorial Cohesion Raffaele Fitto speaks during a press conference at the end of a meeting of the Council of Ministers, in Rome, Italy, 07 September 2023. The Italian government on 07 September approved a decree cracking down on juvenile crime. The Caivano Decree, named after the Naples-area town where two cousins were allegedly raped by a youth gang last month, aims to crack down on juvenile crimes through tougher penalties for the parents of minors as well as a 30-million-euro package to clean up the town near Naples. EPA/FABIO FRUSTACI

BRUXELLES, 01 OTT - La commissione Affari Regionali sarà la titolare dell'audizione di Raffaele Fitto per il posto di commissario europeo. E' quanto ha stabilito la conferenza dei presidenti di Commissione del Parlamento europeo stando a fonti presenti all'incontro. Invitate a partecipare per attinenza al portafoglio assegnato da Ursula von der Leyen anche gli eurodeputati delle commissioni Trasporti, Bilancio, Pesca, Agricoltura e Lavoro, ma con uno status di osservatori e per cui senza diritto di voto sull'esame del commissario.

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