Fonti, pronto l'accordo al vertice Ue sui top jobs

epa10226641 Portugal’s Prime Minister Antonio Costa and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (R) during the Meeting of the European Political Community in Prague, Czech Republic, 06 October 2022. The first meeting of the European Political Community brings together leaders from across the continent including non EU members countries with the aims to foster political dialogue and cooperation and to strengthen the continent's security, stability and prosperity, a statement by the European Council reads. EPA/FILIP SINGER
LUSSEMBURGO, 25 GIU - Il "pacchetto" von der Leyen alla Commissione, Costa al Consiglio europeo e Kallas come Alto rappresentante, "è stabile" e "non ci sono altri nomi" in vista dell'accordo atteso al prossimo vertice Ue di giovedì e venerdì. Lo sottolineano varie fonti diplomatiche a margine del Consiglio Affari Generali in corso in Lussemburgo.
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