'Diffusi presunti documenti Usa su attacco Israele a Iran'

epa11649315 A portrait of late Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah is held up as Iranians burn US and Israel flags during an anti-Israel rally protests at Palestine Square in Tehran, Iran, 08 October 2024. Tensions are growing between Iran and Israel following Iran's large-scale missile attack on Israel. Iran fired more than 180 ballistic missiles directed at Israel late on 01 October 2024, in 'retaliation for different assassinations' carried out by Israel and 'the crimes in Palestine and Lebanon', Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) said. Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Iran will pay for the 'big mistake'. EPA/ABEDIN TAHERKENAREH
ROMA, 19 OTT - I funzionari Usa sono estremamente preoccupati per una potenziale violazione della sicurezza dopo che due presunti documenti dell'intelligence statunitense sui preparativi di Israele per un attacco all'Iran sono stati pubblicati da un account Telegram affiliato all'Iran. Lo riporta Axios.
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