Croce Rossa, temiamo oltre 200 volontari dispersi a Mayotte

epa11781575 A handout satellite image made available by Maxar Technologies shows damage in the coastal capital city of Mamoudzou, French overseas territory of Mayotte, 16 December 2024. French authorities have warned that hundreds, and possibly thousands, of people have died after tropical cyclone Chido battered the French Indian Ocean territory of Mayotte on 14 December. EPA/MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES HANDOUT -- MANDATORY CREDIT: SATELLITE IMAGE 2024 MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES -- THE WATERMARK MAY NOT BE REMOVED/CROPPED --HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
GINEVRA, 17 DIC - La Croce Rossa teme che più di 200 volontari siano dispersi a Mayotte, l'arcipelago francese nell'Oceano indiano devastato da un ciclone nei giorni scorsi.
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