Croce Rossa prende in consegna Romi, Doren e Emily

epa11134601 Eitan Gonen (L), father of Romi Gonen, and his partner Meital Shay Waiss (R) hold pictures of Romi Gonen who was taken hostage by Hamas, at an event with US lawmakers, members of the Israeli Knesset, and families of hostages taken by Hamas, on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, USA, 07 February 2024. A 17.6 billion aid to Israel bill that was put forward in the US House of Representatives as a standalone alternative to a Senate immigration and foreign aid bill, failed on 06 February. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS
TEL AVIV, 19 GEN - La Croce Rossa ha preso in consegna da Hamas i primi tre ostaggi israeliani liberati, le giovani Romi, Doren e Emily. La tv saudita al-Arabiya riferisce che "la Croce Rossa ha iniziato a trasferire le tre rapite all'Idf nel corridoio Netzarim" nel centro di Gaza.
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