Italia e Estero

Cominciato il faccia a faccia tra Netanyahu e Blinken

epa10601635 Turkish riot police clash with protesters as they try to reach Taksim Square for an unauthorized May Day celebration during an International Workers' Day demonstration in Istanbul, Turkey, 01 May 2023. Labor Day or May Day is observed all over the world on the first day of May to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers and fight for laborers rights. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
epa10601635 Turkish riot police clash with protesters as they try to reach Taksim Square for an unauthorized May Day celebration during an International Workers' Day demonstration in Istanbul, Turkey, 01 May 2023. Labor Day or May Day is observed all over the world on the first day of May to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers and fight for laborers rights. EPA/SEDAT SUNA

TEL AVIV, 01 MAG - Cominciato a Gerusalemme il faccia a facciatra Benyamin Netanyahu e il segretario di stato Usa Antony Blinken. Lo ha fatto sapere l'ufficio del premier. Subito dopo si terrà un incontro allargato al quale parteciperanno esponenti politici e militari di Israele e lo stesso per gli Usa.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
