Italia e Estero

Colloqui tra von der Leyen e candidati commissari a agosto

epaselect epa10627893 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (C) signs the golden book of Aachen beside the Mayor Sibylle Keupen (L), European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (2-R) and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (R) after receiving the Charlemagne Prize (Karlspreis) during the award ceremony in the town hall of Aachen, Germany, 14 May 2023. This year's prize is awarded to Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky and the Ukrainian people. The International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen has been awarded annually since 1950 to people who have contributed to the ideals upon which Europe has been founded. EPA/FRIEDEMANN VOGEL / POOL
epaselect epa10627893 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (C) signs the golden book of Aachen beside the Mayor Sibylle Keupen (L), European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (2-R) and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (R) after receiving the Charlemagne Prize (Karlspreis) during the award ceremony in the town hall of Aachen, Germany, 14 May 2023. This year's prize is awarded to Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky and the Ukrainian people. The International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen has been awarded annually since 1950 to people who have contributed to the ideals upon which Europe has been founded. EPA/FRIEDEMANN VOGEL / POOL

BRUXELLES, 23 LUG - Le interviste della presidente della Commissione europea, Ursula von der Leyen, ai candidati espressi dai governi nazionali per il ruolo di commissario Ue dovrebbero iniziare "a metà agosto". Lo ha confermato un portavoce dell'esecutivo comunitario. La lettera di von der Leyen ai governi per ricevere le loro proposte sulle candidature sarà spedita "presto", ha indicato il portavoce senza tuttavia precisare una data.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia

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