Italia e Estero

Cisgiordania, media: 13enne ucciso in raid Israele vicino Jenin

epa05144669 Palestinian protesters carry a wounded man after he was hit by a shot fired from Israeli soldiers during clashes at the West Bank village of Qabatiya, near Jenin, 05 February 2016. The clashes erupted between Palestinian residents and the Israeli military 05 February, a day after forces raided the northern West Bank hometown of three militants who had launched a shooting and stabbing attack in Jerusalem the previous day. Israeli military closed off roadblocks and checkpoints in and out of the town while soldiers prepared punitive measures to raze the homes of the three attackers. At least four Palestinians were injured, including a 16-year-old boy who was hit by a military vehicle, the mayor of the town of Qabatiya, Mahmoud Kmeil, said. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH
epa05144669 Palestinian protesters carry a wounded man after he was hit by a shot fired from Israeli soldiers during clashes at the West Bank village of Qabatiya, near Jenin, 05 February 2016. The clashes erupted between Palestinian residents and the Israeli military 05 February, a day after forces raided the northern West Bank hometown of three militants who had launched a shooting and stabbing attack in Jerusalem the previous day. Israeli military closed off roadblocks and checkpoints in and out of the town while soldiers prepared punitive measures to raze the homes of the three attackers. At least four Palestinians were injured, including a 16-year-old boy who was hit by a military vehicle, the mayor of the town of Qabatiya, Mahmoud Kmeil, said. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH

ROMA, 30 MAR - L'agenzia di stampa palestinese Wafa afferma che un ragazzino di 13 anni è morto e altri due giovani sono rimasti feriti oggi in Cisgiordania durante un assalto da parte delle forze israeliane alla città di Qabatiya, a sud di Jenin. Fonti mediche citate dalla Wafa sostengono che le vittime sono state raggiunte da proiettili.

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