Italia e Estero

Cina, Usa fermino tutte le interazioni militari con Taiwan

epa11243886 Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen reacts during the Handover Ceremony of the An Chiang (PGG-625) and Wan Chiang (PGG-626) corvettes for the Taiwanese Navy in Suao harbor, in Yilan, Taiwan, 26 March 2024. Taiwan's Navy has taken possession of its fifth and sixth Tuo Chiang-class corvettes, which were built within the country. The An Chiang and Wan Chiang corvettes, crafted by Lungteh Shipbuilding Co., are part of a class of fast, stealth-capable, multi-functional corvettes, specifically designed and manufactured for the Republic of China (Taiwan) Navy. EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa11243886 Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen reacts during the Handover Ceremony of the An Chiang (PGG-625) and Wan Chiang (PGG-626) corvettes for the Taiwanese Navy in Suao harbor, in Yilan, Taiwan, 26 March 2024. Taiwan's Navy has taken possession of its fifth and sixth Tuo Chiang-class corvettes, which were built within the country. The An Chiang and Wan Chiang corvettes, crafted by Lungteh Shipbuilding Co., are part of a class of fast, stealth-capable, multi-functional corvettes, specifically designed and manufactured for the Republic of China (Taiwan) Navy. EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO

PECHINO, 29 MAR - La Cina "si oppone con fermezza" alle interazioni militari "tra la sua regione di Taiwan e gli Stati Uniti". E' il commento del portavoce del ministero degli Esteri Lin Jian, in risposta alle notizie rimbalzate da Taipei secondo cui il capo della Marina, Tang Hua, visiterà gli Usa la prossima settimana per partecipare a una cerimonia militare e per discutere su come rafforzare la cooperazione navale bilaterale mentre la Cina rafforza le sue minacce verso l'isola ribelle. "Esortiamo gli Stati Uniti ad aderire al principio della 'Unica Cina' e ai tre comunicati congiunti", ha aggiunto Lin.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
