Italia e Estero

Casa Bianca condanna proteste pro Gaza bruciando bandiere

epa11494857 Graffiti is written on Union Station during a demonstration against the Israeli operations in Gaza and US weapons sales to Israel on the day of the visit of Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, USA, 24 July 2024. Netanyahu's address to a joint meeting of the US Congress comes amid a close 2024 US presidential election cycle. Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters were expected to gather near the US Capitol when Netanyahu becomes the first leader to address the US Congress four times. EPA/AARON SCHWARTZ
epa11494857 Graffiti is written on Union Station during a demonstration against the Israeli operations in Gaza and US weapons sales to Israel on the day of the visit of Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, USA, 24 July 2024. Netanyahu's address to a joint meeting of the US Congress comes amid a close 2024 US presidential election cycle. Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters were expected to gather near the US Capitol when Netanyahu becomes the first leader to address the US Congress four times. EPA/AARON SCHWARTZ

WASHINGTON, 25 LUG - La Casa Bianca ha condannato quelle che ha definito proteste "vergognose" ieri vicino alla stazione di Union Station a Washington, mentre il premier israeliano Benyamin Netanyahu teneva un discorso al Congresso. "Identificarsi con organizzazioni terroristiche malvagie come Hamas, bruciare la bandiera americana o rimuovere con la forza la bandiera americana e sostituirla con un'altra è vergognoso", ha detto il portavoce Andrew Bates. "L'antisemitismo e la violenza non sono mai accettabili", ha aggiunto. "Ogni americano ha il diritto alla protesta pacifica. Ma vergognosamente non tutti hanno dimostrato serenità oggi", ha concluso.

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