Italia e Estero

Caldo estremo in India, 85 le vittime in 24 ore

epa11381324 A boy bathes to cool himself in a tubewell on a hot day at the fields in New Delhi, India, 31 May 2024. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a heat red alert for Delhi, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, and Madhya Pradesh. The IMD Director General M Mohapatra said they are checking the temperature sensor in Delhi's Mungeshpur automatic weather station to see if it is working properly, as there were temperatures of over 50 degrees Celsius recorded on 29 May, and the weather department has reported that the maximum temperature is anticipated to reach around 44 degrees Celsius, in the Indian capital. EPA/HARISH TYAGI
epa11381324 A boy bathes to cool himself in a tubewell on a hot day at the fields in New Delhi, India, 31 May 2024. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a heat red alert for Delhi, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, and Madhya Pradesh. The IMD Director General M Mohapatra said they are checking the temperature sensor in Delhi's Mungeshpur automatic weather station to see if it is working properly, as there were temperatures of over 50 degrees Celsius recorded on 29 May, and the weather department has reported that the maximum temperature is anticipated to reach around 44 degrees Celsius, in the Indian capital. EPA/HARISH TYAGI

NEW DELHI, 01 GIU - Sono 85 le persone uccise dal caldo estremo in India nelle ultime 24 ore: lo hanno reso noto le autorità degli Stati colpiti dall'ondata di caldo senza precedenti, che negli ultimi giorni ha fatto salire le temperature anche oltre i 50 gradi. Il maggior numero di vittime, 46, è stato registrato nello stato orientale dell'Odisha, dove il caldo è stato esacerbato da un alto tasso di umidità. Gli altri Stati maggiormente colpiti sono Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan e Uttar Pradesh.

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