Italia e Estero

Brasile, bus contro processione di Pasqua: 4 morti e 20 feriti

epa09258815 Agents of the National Force board a vehicle after arriving on a Federal Police plane to combat the wave of violence in the state of Amazonas, in Manaus, Brazil, 09 June 2021. Members of a drug gang attacked several sites in Manaus in retaliation for the death of one of its members during a police action. After this, the Brazilian Government authorized the dispatch of agents of the National Force, an elite body of the Police, to reinforce security in the state of Amazonas. EPA/Raphael Alves
epa09258815 Agents of the National Force board a vehicle after arriving on a Federal Police plane to combat the wave of violence in the state of Amazonas, in Manaus, Brazil, 09 June 2021. Members of a drug gang attacked several sites in Manaus in retaliation for the death of one of its members during a police action. After this, the Brazilian Government authorized the dispatch of agents of the National Force, an elite body of the Police, to reinforce security in the state of Amazonas. EPA/Raphael Alves

BRASILIA, 01 APR - Almeno quattro persone sono morte e altre 20 sono rimaste ferite dopo che un autobus si è schiantato contro una processione della domenica di Pasqua a Jaboatao, nello stato brasiliano nordorientale di Pernambuco. Lo rendono noto le autorità locali. Un video dell'incidente circolato sui social network e sui media brasiliani mostra l'autobus sfrecciare lungo una strada ripida e investire la folla di persone. L'autista del bus è fuggito dopo l'incidente.

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