Italia e Estero

Blinken, 404 milioni in nuovi aiuti per i palestinesi

epaselect epa11381667 US Secretary of State Antony Blinken talks to journalist at a press conference following the informal NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting at Czernin Palace, in Prague, Czech Republic, 31 May 2024. The main topic of the two-day informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers was the search for consensus on the Alliance's next steps in support of Ukraine and discuss priorities for the upcoming NATO Washington Summit. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epaselect epa11381667 US Secretary of State Antony Blinken talks to journalist at a press conference following the informal NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting at Czernin Palace, in Prague, Czech Republic, 31 May 2024. The main topic of the two-day informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers was the search for consensus on the Alliance's next steps in support of Ukraine and discuss priorities for the upcoming NATO Washington Summit. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK

NEW YORK, 11 GIU - Gli Stati Uniti concederanno 404 milioni di dollari in aiuti di assistenza umanitaria ai palestinesi. Lo ha annunciato il segretario di stato Antony Blinken nel corso di una conferenza stampa in Giordania. "Alcuni hanno espresso grande preoccupazione per la sofferenza dei palestinesi a Gaza, inclusi paesi che potrebbero donare molto" ma che hanno dato "poco o nulla", ha sottolineato Blinken.

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