Italia e Estero

Biden loda Sisi per l'impegno sui valichi per gli aiuti

epa11364331 US President Joe Biden speaks during a joint news conference with President of Kenya William Ruto (not pictured) in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 23 May 2024. Kenyan President Ruto's state visit marks the 60th anniversary of US-Kenya diplomatic relations and is the first state visit to the White House of an African leader since 2008. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS
epa11364331 US President Joe Biden speaks during a joint news conference with President of Kenya William Ruto (not pictured) in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 23 May 2024. Kenyan President Ruto's state visit marks the 60th anniversary of US-Kenya diplomatic relations and is the first state visit to the White House of an African leader since 2008. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS

WASHINGTON, 24 MAG - In una telefonata con Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, Joe Biden ha discusso degli sforzi per il rilascio degli ostaggi e per affrontare la crisi umanitaria a Gaza, esprimendo il suo plauso per l'impegno del presidente egiziano a permettere il flusso dell'assistenza umanitaria dell'Onu attraverso il valico di Karem Shalom e a riaprire il valico di Rafah. Lo rende noto la Casa Bianca.

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