Italia e Estero

Beryl sale a uragano categoria 5, 'potenzialmente catastrofico'

epa06877939 A handout photo made available by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on 10 July 2018 shows an image acquired by the GOES East satellite of Tropical Storm Chris in the western Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of the USA, 09 July 2018. The small eye of Tropical Storm Chris is visible off the coast of the Carolinas, while in the eastern Caribbean Sea, are visible the remnants of former Hurricane Beryl, around which a thick plume of Saharan dust is wrapping north and east of the storm. The storm is expected to strengthen to a hurricane before weakening again as it tracks northeastward toward Newfoundland later this week. EPA/NOAA HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa06877939 A handout photo made available by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on 10 July 2018 shows an image acquired by the GOES East satellite of Tropical Storm Chris in the western Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of the USA, 09 July 2018. The small eye of Tropical Storm Chris is visible off the coast of the Carolinas, while in the eastern Caribbean Sea, are visible the remnants of former Hurricane Beryl, around which a thick plume of Saharan dust is wrapping north and east of the storm. The storm is expected to strengthen to a hurricane before weakening again as it tracks northeastward toward Newfoundland later this week. EPA/NOAA HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

WASHINGTON, 01 LUG - Beryl si è rafforzato fino a diventare una tempesta di categoria 5 "potenzialmente catastrofica", afferma il Centro nazionale uragani (Nhc) degli Stati Uniti mentre il ciclone tropicale continua a colpire i Caraibi. "Beryl è ora un uragano di categoria 5 potenzialmente catastrofico: sono probabili fluttuazioni di intensità, ma si prevede che sarà ancora vicino a tale grande intensità" quando oggi (martedì) si sposterà verso la Giamaica, si legge in un comunicato dell'Nhc.

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