Italia e Estero

Berlino, 'l'attentatore di Magdeburgo è islamofobo'

epa11788242 Alternative for Germany (AfD) party co-leader Tino Chrupalla lays flowers at the official mourning site in front of St. John's Church, following a vehicle-ramming attack on the Christmas market, in Magdeburg, Germany, 21 December 2024. According to Saxony-Anhalt State Premier Reiner Haseloff, five people were confirmed dead and at least 200 were injured, after a car was driven into a crowd at Magdeburg's Christmas market on 20 December. The suspect, a Saudi national, was taken into custody. EPA/FILIP SINGER
epa11788242 Alternative for Germany (AfD) party co-leader Tino Chrupalla lays flowers at the official mourning site in front of St. John's Church, following a vehicle-ramming attack on the Christmas market, in Magdeburg, Germany, 21 December 2024. According to Saxony-Anhalt State Premier Reiner Haseloff, five people were confirmed dead and at least 200 were injured, after a car was driven into a crowd at Magdeburg's Christmas market on 20 December. The suspect, a Saudi national, was taken into custody. EPA/FILIP SINGER

MAGDEBURGO, 21 DIC - Il presunto autore dell'attacco di Magdeburgo è "un islamofobo". Lo conferma la ministra dell'Interno tedesca, Nancy Faeser.

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