Italia e Estero

Beirut, '26 persone uccise oggi nei raid israeliani'

epa11622351 Rescuers work at a residential building after an Israeli military strike, in the Ghobeiry area in the southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, 24 September 2024. Lebanon's state media said a number of injuries has been reported after an Israeli strike targeting a six-storey residential building in the Ghobeiry area in the southern suburb of Beirut. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said they conducted a 'targeted strike' in Beirut on 24 September. According to Lebanon's Ministry of Health, at least 558 people have been killed and more than 1,835 have been injured following continued airstrikes on southern Lebanese towns and villages. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epa11622351 Rescuers work at a residential building after an Israeli military strike, in the Ghobeiry area in the southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, 24 September 2024. Lebanon's state media said a number of injuries has been reported after an Israeli strike targeting a six-storey residential building in the Ghobeiry area in the southern suburb of Beirut. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said they conducted a 'targeted strike' in Beirut on 24 September. According to Lebanon's Ministry of Health, at least 558 people have been killed and more than 1,835 have been injured following continued airstrikes on southern Lebanese towns and villages. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH

ROMA, 26 SET - Il ministero della Salute libanese afferma che il numero delle vittime degli attacchi aerei israeliani di oggi è salito a 26: 20 persone sono state uccise a Younine, nel nord-est del Libano, di cui 19 siriani. Tre nelle città del distretto di Tiro. Una vittima è segnalata a Qana, nel Libano meridionale, e due a Cadmo. Lo riporta la Bbc.

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