Italia e Estero

Bangladesh, 'polizia costretta ad aprire il fuoco nei disordini'

epa11496949 Border Guard Bangladesh members stand guard on the street in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 26 July 2024, as security is tightened after a curfew was relaxed for a few hours. Authorities in Bangladesh have announced an easing of a curfew imposed after mass protests last week, allowing offices to open and some activity, and partially restoring telecommunication services. As casualties mounted and law enforcement struggled to contain the unrest, the Bangladeshi government had imposed a nationwide curfew and deployed military forces after violence broke out in Dhaka and other regions following student-led protests demanding reforms to the government's job quota system. EPA/MONIRUL ALAM
epa11496949 Border Guard Bangladesh members stand guard on the street in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 26 July 2024, as security is tightened after a curfew was relaxed for a few hours. Authorities in Bangladesh have announced an easing of a curfew imposed after mass protests last week, allowing offices to open and some activity, and partially restoring telecommunication services. As casualties mounted and law enforcement struggled to contain the unrest, the Bangladeshi government had imposed a nationwide curfew and deployed military forces after violence broke out in Dhaka and other regions following student-led protests demanding reforms to the government's job quota system. EPA/MONIRUL ALAM

DACCA, 28 LUG - La polizia del Bangladesh ha operato con moderazione ma è stata "costretta ad aprire il fuoco" sui manifestanti, che protestavano contro una legge sul lavoro, per proteggere gli edifici governativi durante i disordini nazionali della scorsa settimana: lo ha detto ai giornalisti il ;;ministro dell'Interno, Asaduzzaman Khan. "Nonostante l'uccisione dei loro colleghi agenti, hanno mostrato livelli estremi di pazienza", ha detto Khan ai giornalisti. "Ma quando hanno visto che gli edifici governativi non potevano essere protetti, la polizia è stata costretta ad aprire il fuoco", ha aggiunto.

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