Italia e Estero

Autorità Libano, due morti in raid Idf nel sud del Paese

epa11399883 Smoke from a fire following strikes from Lebanon, near Banias, in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, 09 June 2024. The Israeli military stated on 09 June, that 'hostile aircraft' entered northern Israel, two unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were identified crossing from Lebanon. The aircraft fell in the northern Golan Heights area and no injuries were reported, the statement added. As a result of the UAV attacks, fires were ignited in the area and Israeli firefighters responded to the scene to extinguish the fires. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11399883 Smoke from a fire following strikes from Lebanon, near Banias, in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, 09 June 2024. The Israeli military stated on 09 June, that 'hostile aircraft' entered northern Israel, two unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were identified crossing from Lebanon. The aircraft fell in the northern Golan Heights area and no injuries were reported, the statement added. As a result of the UAV attacks, fires were ignited in the area and Israeli firefighters responded to the scene to extinguish the fires. EPA/ATEF SAFADI

ROMA, 29 LUG - Due persone sono morte e altre tre sono rimaste ferite - tra cui un bambino - in un attacco di droni israeliani fuori dalla città di Shaqra, nel Libano meridionale. Lo ha affermato la protezione civile libanese secondo quanto riportato da Reuters sul suo sito web. Il servizio di soccorso non ha specificato se le vittime siano combattenti o civili. Si tratta del primo raid mortale israeliano in Libano dall'attacco attribuito a Hezbollah che sabato che ha ucciso 12 persone sulle alture del Golan.

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