Italia e Estero

Anp contro veto Usa all'Onu, 'palese attacco al diritto'

epa11253687 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (C) and ministers of the reshuffled government pose for a family photo following the oath-taking ceremony in the West Bank city of Ramallah, 31 March 2024. Mustafa and 23 ministers took the oath before Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after a decision of reshuffling the government. Abbas chose the 69-year-old business figure for the post and asked him to form a government after Mohammad Shtayyeh resigned as prime minister in February 2024. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH
epa11253687 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (C) and ministers of the reshuffled government pose for a family photo following the oath-taking ceremony in the West Bank city of Ramallah, 31 March 2024. Mustafa and 23 ministers took the oath before Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after a decision of reshuffling the government. Abbas chose the 69-year-old business figure for the post and asked him to form a government after Mohammad Shtayyeh resigned as prime minister in February 2024. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH

(ANSA-AFP) - RAMALLAH, 19 APR - L'Autorità Palestinese guidata da Abu Mazen ha criticato il veto degli Usa all'adesione dei palestinesi all'Onu, bollandolo come una "palese aggressione" che spinge il Medio Oriente "sull'orlo dell'abisso". "Questa politica aggressiva degli Stati Uniti nei confronti della Palestina, del suo popolo e dei suoi diritti legittimi rappresenta un palese attacco al diritto internazionale e un incoraggiamento alla continuazione della guerra genocida contro il nostro popolo (…) che spinge ulteriormente la regione sull'orlo del l'abisso", si sottolinea in un comunicato diffuso dall'ufficio di Abu Mazen. (ANSA-AFP).

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