Italia e Estero

Almeno 31 morti per le forti piogge in Pakistan

epa11278192 People make their way during heavy rain in Karachi, Pakistan, 14 April 2024. At least 29 people have died and another seven have been injured in the last two days due to lightning strikes and incidents related to the heavy rains affecting several provinces of Pakistan, rescue officials said. In total, 17 people died in the northeastern province of Punjab, in addition to eight deaths in southern Balochistan and four in northern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. EPA/SHAHZAIB AKBER
epa11278192 People make their way during heavy rain in Karachi, Pakistan, 14 April 2024. At least 29 people have died and another seven have been injured in the last two days due to lightning strikes and incidents related to the heavy rains affecting several provinces of Pakistan, rescue officials said. In total, 17 people died in the northeastern province of Punjab, in addition to eight deaths in southern Balochistan and four in northern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. EPA/SHAHZAIB AKBER

ISLAMABAD, 15 APR - Sono almeno 31 i morti in Pakistan per incidenti legati alle piogge nelle ultime 48 ore. Lo hanno reso noto le autorità locali precisando che le vittime si sono registrate nella provincia del Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Kp), nel Punjab e nel Belucistan. Le forti piogge hanno anche danneggiato 15 abitazioni, mentre altre 69 sono state parzialmente distrutte, ha riferito all'ANSA un portavoce dell'autorità di gestione dei disastri della provincia del Kp,. Il dipartimento meteorologico del Pakistan ha previsto ulteriori piogge in diverse parti del Paese nelle prossime 24 ore.

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