Italia e Estero

Alleati di Trump incriminati per truffa elettorale in Arizona

epa11030207 Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor and former attorney for former president Trump, departs the US District Court at the end of the day during his ongoing defamation case brought by two Fulton County election workers in Washington, DC, USA, 14 December 2023. Two Atlanta workers Ruby Freeman and Shane Moss successfully sued Giuliani for defamation after they were harassed following Giuliani's false election claims. The DC jury will now determine how much Giuliani will have to pay them. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS
epa11030207 Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor and former attorney for former president Trump, departs the US District Court at the end of the day during his ongoing defamation case brought by two Fulton County election workers in Washington, DC, USA, 14 December 2023. Two Atlanta workers Ruby Freeman and Shane Moss successfully sued Giuliani for defamation after they were harassed following Giuliani's false election claims. The DC jury will now determine how much Giuliani will have to pay them. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS

WASHINGTON, 24 APR - Nuova batosta per Donald Trump. Una decina di suoi alleati e fedelissimi, tra i quali l'ex capo dello staff della Casa Bianca Mark Meadows e l'ex avvocato Rudy Giuliani, sono indagati per il tentativo di ribaltare il risultato delle elezioni 2020 in Arizona. Lo riporta la Cnn. Tra gli incriminati c'è anche Boris Epshteyn, ex assistente della Casa Bianca che è ancora uno dei più stretti consiglieri di Trump. Il tycoon, come per l'indagine sui falsi elettori in Michigan, è indicato come cospiratore "non incriminato".

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
