Italia e Estero

'Allarme negli Usa, rischio attacco è terroristico reale'

epa11365077 Police push Pro-Palestinian protestors out of the building after they occupied Dodd Hall at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in Los Angeles, California USA, 23 May 2024. The protest coincided with a congressional hearing on campus protests that UCLA Chancellor Gene Block testified. Nationwide demonstrations have sprung up across the country on school campuses, many calling for institutions to divest investments in Israel and support of a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict. EPA/ALLISON DINNER
epa11365077 Police push Pro-Palestinian protestors out of the building after they occupied Dodd Hall at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in Los Angeles, California USA, 23 May 2024. The protest coincided with a congressional hearing on campus protests that UCLA Chancellor Gene Block testified. Nationwide demonstrations have sprung up across the country on school campuses, many calling for institutions to divest investments in Israel and support of a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict. EPA/ALLISON DINNER

NEW YORK, 14 GIU - Il rischio di un attacco terroristico negli Stati Uniti è reale. Lo riporta Cnn citando alcune fonti. L'allarme è legato all'arresto di otto persone dal Tajikistan a New York, Los Angeles e Philadelphia, entrate negli Stati Uniti dal confine con il Messico. Dal Tajikistan, affermano le stesse fonti, arrivavano coloro che hanno attaccato al Crocus di Mosca all'inizio dell'anno.

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