Italia e Estero

Al Jazeera, '20 morti in raid israeliano nel nord di Gaza'

epa10922119 Clouds of smoke rise from the town of Beit Lahia as a result of Israeli airstrikes in northern Gaza, as seen from Israel's border with the Gaza Strip, in southern Israel, 16 October 2023. Israel has warned all citizens of the Gaza Strip to move to the south ahead of an expected invasion. More than 2,750 Palestinians and 1,300 Israelis have been killed according to the Israel Defense Force (IDF) and Palestinian Health Ministry after Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa10922119 Clouds of smoke rise from the town of Beit Lahia as a result of Israeli airstrikes in northern Gaza, as seen from Israel's border with the Gaza Strip, in southern Israel, 16 October 2023. Israel has warned all citizens of the Gaza Strip to move to the south ahead of an expected invasion. More than 2,750 Palestinians and 1,300 Israelis have been killed according to the Israel Defense Force (IDF) and Palestinian Health Ministry after Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October. EPA/ATEF SAFADI

ROMA, 04 NOV - Almeno 20 palestinesi sono stati uccisi in un attacco israeliano che ha colpito una casa a Beit Lahiya, nel nord della Striscia di Gaza. Lo riporta Al Jazeera Arabic.

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