Italia e Estero

Agenzia atomica Iran, improbabile un attacco a nostri siti

epa11662134 Iranians walk past an anti-Israeli billboard with a sentence reading in Persian and Hebrew, 'Israel is no longer a safe place for living' at the Palestine Square in Tehran, Iran, 16 October 2024. Iran fired more than 180 ballistic missiles directed at Israel late on 01 October 2024, in a 'retaliation for different assassinations' carried out by Israel and 'the crimes in Palestine and Lebanon', the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) said. Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Iran will pay for the 'big mistake'. EPA/ABEDIN TAHERKENAREH
epa11662134 Iranians walk past an anti-Israeli billboard with a sentence reading in Persian and Hebrew, 'Israel is no longer a safe place for living' at the Palestine Square in Tehran, Iran, 16 October 2024. Iran fired more than 180 ballistic missiles directed at Israel late on 01 October 2024, in a 'retaliation for different assassinations' carried out by Israel and 'the crimes in Palestine and Lebanon', the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) said. Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Iran will pay for the 'big mistake'. EPA/ABEDIN TAHERKENAREH

TEHERAN, 16 OTT - Il portavoce dell'Organizzazione per l'energia atomica dell'Iran (Aeoi) Behrouz Kamalvandi ha affermato che un attacco israeliano ai siti nucleari iraniani è improbabile e che anche in caso di attacchi, ci sarebbero danni minimi alle strutture. "In ogni caso, l'Iran è pronto per qualsiasi scenario", ha aggiunto, citato dalla Tv di stato.

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