Italia e Estero

58enne muore al lavoro schiacciato da un escavatore

epa11611530 Polish soldiers stand next to an excavator working to reinforce the flood embankments in the village of Marcinkowice, near Olawa, in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, southwestern Poland, 18 September 2024. Emergency services, such as the fire department and territorial defense forces, are working to reinforce the flood barriers as a flood wave is passing through Olawa. A low-pressure system named Boris brought heavy rain to central Europe between 11 and 15 September? 2024, causing widespread flooding? in central and eastern Europe. EPA/MACIEJ KULCZYNSKI POLAND OUT
epa11611530 Polish soldiers stand next to an excavator working to reinforce the flood embankments in the village of Marcinkowice, near Olawa, in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, southwestern Poland, 18 September 2024. Emergency services, such as the fire department and territorial defense forces, are working to reinforce the flood barriers as a flood wave is passing through Olawa. A low-pressure system named Boris brought heavy rain to central Europe between 11 and 15 September? 2024, causing widespread flooding? in central and eastern Europe. EPA/MACIEJ KULCZYNSKI POLAND OUT

BERGAMO, 19 SET - Un uomo di 58 anni è morto a Dalmine (Bergamo) schiacciato da un escavatore con cui stava lavorando in un campo. Inutile l'intervento del personale del 118 che riferisce della tragedia. Sul posto anche le forze dell'ordine.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia

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